- Peter H. Van. Tienderen, Ibtisam Hammad and Frits C. Zwaal (1996): Pleiotropic effects of flowering time genes in the annual Crucifer Arabidopsis Thallana ( Brassicaceae) American Journal of Botany, 83 (2); 169-174.
- Ibtisam Hammad and Peter H. Van Tienderen (1997). Natural Variation in Flowering Time among Populations of The Annual Crucifer Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Species Biology. 12: 15-23.
- Ibtisam Hammad (2002). Genetic Differentiation and Phenotypic plasticity l. Responses in three Plantago Lanceolata populations upon changes in mineral supply. Pakistan Journal of biological Sciences 5 (1) : 12-18.
- S. Soliman and I. A. Hammad (2002). Biological effects of electro-magnetic waves on Clover and Wheat crops plants. Egyptian Journal of Genetics and Cytological Sciences, Vol. 31:151-165.
- I. Hammad, (2002). Genetic Differentiation and Phenotic Plasticity in Plantago Major as affected by Nitrogen Source and Salinity. Egypt J. Biotechnol. Vol. 11,30-47.
- Abdel-Fattah, G. M. and Ibtisam Hammad (2002). Production of lipase by certain soil fungi. I- Optimization of cultural conditions and genetic characterization of lipolytic strains of Aspergilli using protein patterns and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), On Line J. Biological Sciences, 2 (10): 639-644.
- Hammad, I. A., Megahed, F. F. and Nofel, A. M. (2001). Effects of Botrytis Fabae and Lithium Choloride on Miototic Cell Devision and Morphology of Vicia fabae. The African J. Of Mycology and Biotchnology, Vol. 9 (1) ; (45-61).
- l- esnawy, N. A.; Taha, R. M.; Hammad, I. A. and Farag, R. M. ( 2004). Distribution of TT Virus among Egyptian cancer Patients. J. of genetic eng. & biotechnol. ( NRC) 2, No. 2 , pp371-381.
- Soliman, Ibtisam hammad, A. ABO doma and Elham A. (2006). Modification of gene expression in Vicia faba in response to root inoculation with biofertilizers, Egypt. J. Genet. Cytol. 35:263-273.
- sman,M., Khattab,A.H. and Hammad,I(2007) Effect of Ultra violet radiation on genetic and physiological studies on the fungus (Cylinderocarpon heteronemum).Egypt.J.Genet.Cytol.
- Ibtisam hammad ( 2008). Effect of salicylic acid on genetic variation of Ocimum basilicum (b basil) based on ISSR, RAPD and Protein markers. Global Journal of molecular Sciences 3(1): 08-17.
- Ibtisam hammadi ( 2009) Genetic Variation among Bougainvillea glabra cultivars (Nyctaginaceae)detected by RAPD markers and Isozymes Patterns. Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 5(1): 63-71, 2009.
- btisam hammad( 2009). Genetic Variation among Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis (Malvaceae) of different flower colors using ISSR and Isozymes. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 3(1): 113-125, 2009
- btisam hammad and Ahmed ashour ( 2009). Genetical variation of Cylindrocarpon heteronemum under stress of argon- laser radiation. Research Journal of cell and Molecular biology, 3(1): 28-38.
- l- Dougdoug; Hayam El-Kader;Ibtisam A. Hamad; Entsar Ahmed and Asmaa F. Abd El-Monem 2009 . Identification of Squash Leaf Curl Virus (Egyptian Isolate) Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 3(4): 3470-3478.
- ilke Alves , Ibtisam hamad and Frank kempken (2010). Expression of ribonuclease A and ribonuclease N1 in the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa. Applied Microbiology and biotechnology, Vol. 85 (4): 1041-1049.
- btisam hammad and Frank kempken Mitochondrial electroporation and in organello RNA editing of chimeric atp6 ( worked at kiel university, Germany ( under press ) at Germany.
- l-Dougdoug;Ibtisam Hammad; Hayam Abd El-Kader; Entsar Ahmed and Asmaa F. Abd El-Monem. (2010). Detection and Identification of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus-EG Using molecular technique. ( accepted) at Egyptian journal of microbiology.
- Osman; Khattab; Hammad and elhussieny ( 2010). Optimization of bio-fuel production by saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from sugar Can Bagasse. Under presss
- Hammad and S.H. Qari ( 2010), Genetic diversity among Zygophyllum (Zygophyllaceae) populations based on RAPD analysis. Genet. Mol. Res. 9 (4): 2412-2420.]
- El-Dougdoug,Ibtisam Hammad, Hayam Abd El-Kader, Entsar Ahmed and Asmaa Abd El-Monem (2010).Detection and Identification of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus-EG Using Molecular Technique. Accepted from Egyptian journal of microbiology
- sman, M.E., Khattab, O.H., Hammad, I.A., El-Hussieny, N.I. Optimization of Bio-Fuel Production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae Isolated from Sugar Cane Bagasse. Journal of American Science 2011;7(5):485-492.