List of Publications (selected papers):
- Loutfy Hassan, Tarek Galal, Emad Farahat and Maha El-Midany (2015). The Biology of Calotropis procera (Aiton) W.T. Trees Structure and function. DOI: 10.1007/s00468-015-1158-7
- Emad Farahat and Hans W. Linderholm (2015). The effect of long-term wastewater irrigation on accumulation and transfer of heavy metals in Cupressus sempervirens leaves and adjacent soils. Science of the Total Environment 512–513 (2015) 1–7.
- Linderholm HW, Zhang P, Gunnarson BE, Björklund J, Farahat E, Fuentes M, Rocha E, Salo R, Seftigen K, Stridbeck P and Liu Y (2014) Growth dynamics of tree-line and lake-shore Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in the central Scandinavian Mountains during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the early Little Ice Age. Ecol. Evol. 2:20. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2014.00020
- Emad Farahat and Hans W. Linderholm (2013) Effects of treated wastewater irrigation on size-structure, biochemical products and mineral content of native medicinal shrubs. Ecological Engineering, 60: 235– 241
- Emad Farahat and Martin J. Lechowicz (2012) Functional ecology of growth in seedlings versus root sprouts of Fagus grandifolia Trees, 27:337–340.
- Farahat, E.A. , Kamal H Shaltout, Hassan F. Elkady and Ahmed I. Shalapy (2012) Allometric equations to predict the total aboveground biomass of tree species in a planted forest in Egypt. Feddes Reportorium, 123: 1-10.
- Farahat, E.A., Ebrahem Eid and Nasser Sewelam (2012) Assessment of airborne trace metal pollution by Ipomoea carnea leaves and its potential use as environmental indicator. Egyptian Journal of Experimental Biology, 8(1): 93 – 98.
- Farahat, E.A. and Hans W. Linderholm (2012) Ecological impacts of desert plantation forests on biodiversity. African Journal of Ecology, 50, 308–318. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2028.2012.01325.x
- Farahat, E.A. and Hans W. Linderholm (2012) Growth performance of four irrigated plantations in Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Botany 51 (1): 213-235
- Farahat, E.A. (2011) Growth dynamics and biomass of Eucalyptus camaldulensis in the desert plantation forests of Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Botany, 52 (1): 199-212.
- Farahat, E.A. (2011) Biomonitoring of airborne heavy metals pollution by Delonix regia (Boj. ex Hook.) Raf. in Greater Cairo, Egypt. Taeckholmia, 31. 18-27.
- Galal, T.M., Farahat, E.A and Fawzy, M. (2008). Submerged macrophytes as bioindicators for pollution in Lake Mariut along the Mediterranean coast of Egypt, Ecologia Mediterranea, vol. 34: 83-91.
- Farahat, E.A. and Galal, T.M. (2006). Species composition and community structure of Edfina Public Park, Egypt. Proc. 4th Con. Biol. Sci. (Botany), 11-21.
- Shaltout, K.H. and Farahat, E.A. (2005): Ornamental Vegetation of Qanatir Public Park. Assuit University Journal of Botany, 34 (2): 219-244.
- Shaltout, K.H., Hassan, L.M., Farahat, E.A. (2005): Vegetation-environment relationships in south Nile Delta. Taeckholmia, 25: 15-46.
- Fahmy, G.M., Zeid, I.M., Hassan, L.M. and Farahat, E.A. (2004): Impacts of Fuel Oil (Mazot) Combustion Products of Brick-Kilns on Air Quality and on Two Economic Plants. Proceedings of the third international conference on biological sciences, Faculty of Science, Tanta University (28-29 April, 2004), 3: 25-39.
- Zeid, I.M., Fahmy, G.M., Hassan, L.M. and Farahat, E.A. (2004): Effect of Fuel Oil (Mazot) Combustion Products on Spinach. Proceedings of the third international conference on biological sciences, Faculty of Science, Tanta University (28-29 April, 2004), 3: 11-24.
Some papers either submitted to Journals:
- Emad Farahat and Hans Linderholm 2014. Nutrient resorption efficiency and proficiency in economic wood trees irrigated by treated waste-water in desert planted forests. (Submitted to Agricultural Water Management Journal)
- Emad A. Farahat, Hans W. Linderholm, Martin J. Lechowicz.2014. Influence of dust deposition and climate on the radial growth of Tsuga canadensis in Mont St. Hilare, QC, Canada (Submitted to Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Journal)
- Tarek Galal, Emad Farahat, Maha El-Medany, Loutfy Hassan 2014. Germination Ecology of Calotropis procera. (African journal of Biotechnology)
- Tarek Galal, Emad Farahat, Maha El-Medany, Loutfy Hassan 2014. Impact of heavy metals accumulation by Calotropis procera (Aiton) T. Aiton on its use as forage and medicinal plant in urbanized areas, Egypt (Submitted to Aerosols and Air Quality Journal)
- Tarek Galal, Emad Farahat, Maha El-Medany, Loutfy Hassan 2014.Demography and population dynamics of the medicinal shrub Calotropis procera (Aiton) T. Aiton (Submitted to ……Tarek is responsible for this paper)
- Emad Farahat, Tarek Galal, Maha El-Medany, Loutfy Hassan 2014.Effects of urban habitats heterogeneity on the growth dynamics, size structure and mineral contents of Calotropis procera (Aiton) W.T. Aiton ((Submitted to Plant Ecology)